Friday, September 12, 2003

I think I ate too much for lunch yesterday. The whole practice last night I felt sludgy and full. I was about as not into practicing as I can be. Several times, I found myself thinking, "I really wish I wasn't doing this tonight." I almost never think like that. I might dread getting tired or get unmotivated because some area is stiff or something has backtracked, but I usually don't repeatedly regret being there. I'm still glad I went and did the practice though. That much less ground to make up with my next practice, which may not be for a few days yet.

The Thursday evening class is listed as an Ashtanga Prep class. There's a variety of ability levels in the students who make it to that class. We do all the poses in the first series but the teacher will let people do variations if needed if they can't do the full posture. He'll also tell people that if they need to, from time to time they can go directly into the second side of a pose instead of doing the vinyasa between sides. Last night, just about everybody was skipping the vinyasa, so maybe I wasn't the only one who was feeling less than full speed.

The weather is already starting to edge into Fall mode. The evenings are noticeably cooler. That change notwithstanding, it was surprisingly warm in the room last night. I think it felt warmer because we're having unusual humidity right now. I was expecting the yucky feel I started out with to result in a stiff practice but I stretched and twisted okay. The only exception was the backbends. It took me three reps to feel I was getting the shoulders in the correct rotation. I never did feel good enough to try a stand up so I just used the wall to walk my hands up after the last rep.

A few posts back I made mention of one of the students who I've taken classes with who recently had a heart attack while in class. Yesterday, after class let out, I was in line for the bathroom. I was listening to a couple of guys talking nearby. One of them is a triathelete. He was talking to an older guy, who it turns out is also a runner. His particular type of running pleasure is to do centuries--one hundred mile long races. He was saying that he had done two or three centuries last year and one or two fifty mile races too but had to interrupt everything when he had a heart attack last winter. ??? Does not compute. Doesn't make sense that you could run for 100 miles yet still have cardiac vessels clogged enough to have a heart attack. Now I'm going to be sweating every little semi-short of breath episode, every chest wall discomfort and upper arm pain even more than I was already starting to do. Maybe I should do a cleanse or something.

Next practice for me, if the yoga and hospital rounding gods allow, will be Sunday morning.

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